About Nayudamma Lecture

Prof Yelavarthy Nayudamma was born in 1922 at Yelavarru village of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, India. After graduating in industrial chemistry from Banaras Hindu University, he was with the Institute of Leather Technology, Madras for few years (1943-1945). The Government of Madras deputed him for an advanced training in leather technology to UK during 1946-47 and USA during 1947-51. He worked under the renowned leather technologist Dr Edwin R Theis of Lehigh University, USA.
Prof Nayudamma started his association with CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) in 1951 and was the Director of CLRI during 1958-1971. Under his leadership, CLRI emerged as one of the most renowned centres of leather research. He ensured that the CLRI has an effective liaison with the leather industry thereby leveraging significant contributions in research & development and technology transfer. He was instrumental in the formation of Indian Hides and Skins Improvement Society, Indian Leather Fair Society, the Leather Club and the Coromandal Chemicals for promoting the interests of the tanners in India.
Prof Nayudamma introduced the Adoption of Backward District’s Programme for changing the face of underdevelopment through the application of science and technology. He had established the “Centre for Development Alternatives” in Madras with the aim to evolve alternative development models and technologies relevant for Agro-based industries and other rural economical activities.
He was the Chairman of Committee on Science, Technology in Developing Countries (COSTED), an international organization established for the promotion of Science and Technology in the developing countries. He held several important leadership positions in both national and international bodies including the Director General of CSIR; Secretary, Department of Space, Gov. of India; Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Advisor, UNDP and Governor, International Development Research Centre (IDRC). He was conferred with ‘Padmashri’ by the Govt. of India and Mahalnobis award by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.
Unfortunately, he died in an aircrash on 23.6.1985. In the words of Sh. R Venkataraman, former President of India, “from the soaring ascendency of his pursuit of the knowable, Nayudamma disappeared, in a flash, into the unfathomable depths of the Unknown.”
In recognition of his valuable contributions, CSIR-CLRI in association with
Nayudamma Science Foundation (NSF) is organizing a memorial lecture every year.
Some of the distinguished speakers of the lecture series are: Dr. Baldev Raj,
Dr. S. K.Rao, Dr. T.Ramasami, and Prof K VijayRaghavan