The Chief Convener - LERIG 2016
CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Tel: 044-24451190 / 24910897 / 24910846
Fax: 91 44 24911589, 24911389, 24912150
Advertisement in Souvenir as a part of the LERIG 2016
It is proposed to bring out a souvenir for LERIG 2016. Advertisements for the souvenir are invited.
The tariff details are given below:
Front Inside INR 20,000
Back Inside INR 20,000
Back Cover INR 30,000
Inside Full Page Color INR 10,000
Souvenir size: 210 mm X 297 mm
Inputs in: pdf, jpeg, tif files (please avoid coral draw)
Deadline date: Wednesday, 20th January 2016