CSIR - CLRI – An International Institution

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR-CLRI) was founded with its maiden
mandate to provide education and training with technological support to leather
and allied sectors. HRD @CLRI in leather and allied fields has empowered the leather
sector from a tradition bound industry to a global performer. Industryacademy- research
interaction has emerged signifying the culmination of this international symbiotic
relationship. The institution has gained excellence in enhancing and dissemination
of technological competence and remained as an advanced education and training hub
in leather technology. CSIR-CLRI had been one of the apex bodies in directing the
growth of Indian Leather sector. Today CSIR-CLRI plays vital role in leveraging
the growth of Leather sector in several countries especially in African continent
through institutional and technological capacity building programmes.